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JavaScript - Introduction to JavaScript, What is Data Type & Variables?

Introduction to JavaScript
What is JavaScript?
Html is providing static web pages but with the developments in internet & World Wide Web the interactive communication became a necessity. The World Wide Web is a heap of pages having information if form of text, graphics, pictures, sounds etc. Every page is linked to another page on web and the linked page can have links to other pages.
Browser is a program responsible to understand and interpret the language and perform according to the instructions written in HTML file. Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Fire Fox etc. are such programs.
HTML, JavaScript is integrated with browser & this integration enables the programmer to add dynamic interaction to the text, picture, information on the web page. JavaScript is case sensitive language i.e.; state is different from State or STATE (these are three different words for JavaScript). JavaScript is capable of sensing the events like mousing clicking, mousing moving etc. JavaScript files are directly executed when user double clicks on them or opens them in Browser.
JavaScript is Java or what?
No, JavaScript is not java.
Java is a complex and much more powerful language like C & C++.
HTML, JavaScript are integrated with browser & this integration enables the programmer to add dynamic interaction to the text, picture, information on the web page. JavaScript is case sensitive language i.e.; state is different from State or STATE (these are three different words for JavaScript). JavaScript is capable of sensing the events like mousing clicking, mousing moving etc. JavaScript files are directly executed when user double clicks on them or opens them in Browser.
HTML coders are not programmer but using JavaScript an html operator can do programming in a very simple way because JavaScript is very simple and easy to learn and understand. JavaScript is capable of making a static page as dynamic page, where the programmer can put variables. JavaScript has the ability to sense the events like mouse click, movement, keyboarding events etc. We can use HTML in JavaScript i.e. JavaScript can understand HTML. The JavaScript program hence decreasing the unnecessary traffic on lines and useless processing at server end can validate the data fed by the user at client end.
What we can do using JavaScript?
HTML coders are not programmer but using JavaScript a html operator can do programming in a very simple way because JavaScript is very simple and easy to learn and understand. JavaScript is capable of making a static page as dynamic page, where the programmer can put variables. JavaScript has the ability to sense the events like mousing click, movement, keyboarding events etc. We can use HTML in JavaScript i.e. JavaScript can understand HTML. The JavaScript program hence decreasing the unnecessary traffic on lines and useless processing at server end can validate the data fed by the user at client end.
What we should know before learning JavaScript ?
We should have knowledge of HTML before learning JavaScript. A JavaScript program can be typed in head or in body part of the HTML page or it could be attached externally to the web page.
What minimum Hardware and Software requirements are to run JavaScript?
Hardware Requirements
Processor: 486 dx4 or above
RAM: 16 MB
HDD: 1.2 GB or above
Software Requirements
Operating System: Windows or Linux with browser
Text Editor: Any text editor likes notepad or editplus etc.
How to use JavaScript into HTML code?
A JavaScript program can be kept in html page under <script> JavaScript program </script> tag. We can place unlimited number of scripts in the html program in head or body section.
Keeping JavaScript in head section
If we want that the JavaScript program should be executed when it is called, then we should keep it in head section.
How to keep JavaScript in head section of a HTML file:



<script type="text/JavaScript">

script code




This is just syntax (how & where to type), we will learn it in detail after learning functions.
Keeping JavaScript in body section
If we want that the script should be executed when the page loads then we should keep the JavaScript program in body section.
How to keep JavaScript in body section of a HTML file :





<script type="text/JavaScript">

script code




This is just syntax (how & where to type) we will learn it in detail after learning variables.
Is semi colon needed to end the statement in JavaScript?

Putting semi color at the end of the statement is optional, if you want you can place else you can leave. Putting semi color at end of the statement depends on the user's choice.

HTML coders are not programmer but using JavaScript an html operator can do programming in a very simple way because JavaScript is very simple and easy to learn and understand. JavaScript is capable of making a static page as dynamic page, where the programmer can put variables. JavaScript has the ability to sense the events like mouse click, movement, keyboarding events etc. We can use HTML in JavaScript i.e. JavaScript can understand HTML. The JavaScript program hence decreasing the unnecessary traffic on lines and useless processing at server end can validate the data fed by the user at client end.
HTML, JavaScript are integrated with browser & this integration enables the programmer to add dynamic interaction to the text, picture, information on the web page. JavaScript is case sensitive language i.e.; state is different from State or STATE (these are three different words for JavaScript). JavaScript is capable of sensing the events like mousing clicking, mousing moving etc. JavaScript files are directly executed when user double clicks on them or opens them in Browser.
What is Data Type & Variables?
The number type deals with digits, It covers both floating point numbers and integers.

Floating point numbers are like - 412.562, 9.2, 0.468
Integer numbers are like : 25, 1258, 968
Initializing number type variables
Var age = 25
Var is javascript keyword, age is a variable name, 25 is value assigned to age variable, variable age is of number type because the value assigned to age is of number type.
Var hra = 1585.56
Var is javascript keyword, hra is a variable name, 1585.56 is value assigned to hra variable, variable hra is of number type because the value assigned to hra is of number type.
In the example given below we have used keyword document.write (messge ) which is used to print the message or variable value given with it.


<head> </head>


<script type="text/javascript">

var age=25 document.write("Age is : "+age);

</script >



Understanding the program
<script > tag is the start of a javascript program, var is to declare a variable of name age and 25 is the value assigned to the variable age. document.write is used to print the given message and/or value of a given variable. We have used + sign here which is used to concatenate the message ( Age is : ) and the value of variable a (25).
Output of this program
Age is : 25





<script type="text/javascript">

var hra=1585.25 document.write("HRA is : "+hra);

</script >



Understanding the program
<script > tag is the start of a javascript program, var is to declare a variable of name hra and 1585.25 is the value assigned to the variable hra. document.write is used to print the given message and/or value of a given variable. We have used + sign here which is used to concatenate the message ( HRA is : ) and the value of variable a (1585.25).
Output of this program
HRA is : 25
String type deals with a single character or a series of characters enclosed with single quotes or double quotes respectively.
Initializing string type variables
var sect = 'a'
var is JavaScript keyword, sect is a variable name, a is value assigned to sect variable, variable sect is of string type because the value assigned to sect is of string type.
var country="India"
var is JavaScript keyword, country is a variable name, India is value assigned to country variable, variable country is of string type because the value assigned to country is of string type.
In the example given below we have used keyword document.write (message ) which is used to print the message or variable value given with it.
Example 1





<script type="text/JavaScript">

var sect=’a’

document.write("Section is  : "+sect);

</script >



Understanding the program
<script > tag is the start of a  JavaScript  program, var is to declare a variable of name sect and  ‘a’  is the value assigned to the variable sect. document.write is used to print the given message and/or value of a given variable. We have used + sign here which is used to concatenate the message ( Section is : ) and the value of variable sect (a).
Output of this program
sectoion is : a
Example 2:





<script type="text/JavaScript">

var country=’India’

document.write("Country is  : "+country);

</script >



Understanding the program
<script > tag is the start of a  JavaScript  program, var is to declare a variable of name country and  “India”  is the value assigned to the variable country. document.write is used to print the given message and/or value of a given variable. We have used + sign here which is used to concatenate the message ( Country is : ) and the value of variable country (India).
Output of this program
Country is : India
Boolean type has only two values true and false. These constant values are case-sensitive.
Initializing Boolean type variables
var present = true

var is JavaScript keyword, present is a variable name, true is value assigned to present variable, variable present is of Boolean type  because the value assigned to present is of  boolean type.

In the example given below we have used keyword document.write (message ) which is used to print the message or variable value given with it.
Example 1





<script type="text/javascript">

var present = true

var attend = false

document.write("Student Status in School   : "+present);

document.write("<br>Class Attended  : "+attend);

</script >


Understanding the program
present & absent are two variables of Boolean type having values true and false respectively. <BR> is a html tag used to  insert  a new line.
Output of this program
Student Status in School : true
Class Attended : false
null & undefined
Null type has only one value, null. The null value means 'no data' or this variable do not have any useful data.
Undefined type has one value, undefined, undefined means nothing is stored in this variable. Undefined is not even null.
Initializing null type variable
var food = null

var is JavaScript keyword, food is a variable namenull  is value assigned to food variable.

In the example given below we have used keyword document.write (message ) which is used to print the message or variable value given with it.
Example 1





<script type="text/JavaScript">

var food=null

document.write("food is  : "+food);

</script >



Understanding the program
food is a variable of null type having no type of values or data.
output of this program
food is : null
Knowing undefined  type  variable
var  food ;
var is JavaScript keyword, food is a variable name,  no value is  assigned to  variable food.
In the example given below we have used keyword document.write (message ) which is used to print the message or variable value given with it.
Example 2





<script type="text/javascript">

var food;

document.write("food is  : "+food);

</script >


Understanding the program
food  is  a variable  of  undefined   type , because nothing is defined to it .
Output of this program
food is : undefined
infinity and NAN
infinity is a property of a number. It represents mathematical infinity.
Var infi= 1e400*1e350;
Var is javascript keyword, infi is a variable name, 1e400 * 1e350 value assigned to infi variable.
In the example given below we have used keyword document.write (message ) which is used to print the message or variable value given with it.
Example 1





<script type="text/javascript">

var infi = 1e300 * 1e300;

document.write("Value stored in infi is   : "+infi);

</script >



Output of this program
Value stored in infi is : Infinity
Nan Stands for not a number and is a result of a mathematical operation which do not have any sense. This happens generally when we divide a 0 by 0.
var k = 0/0 ;
var is JavaScript keyword, k is a variable name, 0/0 value is assigned to variable k.
In the example given below we have used keyword document.write (message ) which is used to print the message or variable value given with it.
Example 2





<script type="text/JavaScript">

var k = 0/0;

document.write("Value stored in  k  is   : "+k);

</script >


Output of this program
Value stored in k is : NaN
If we require many variables of  same or different types then a problem of remembering names of variables and many functional  problems will arise. Concept of array allows us to store different data type  data pieces under the same name in an ordered way. It helps  in creating many variables. There is no need of  remembering their names because they all have the same name but different positions in  the array. The count of location in an array starts from 0 not from 1, means  the first location is 0th location and 12th is 11th .
Declaring an array variable
Method 1
var d = new Array ("One", "Two", "Three", "Four");
Understanding the declaration
var - is reserve word
d - is the name of the array
new  - is a reserve word  , sets that much number of locations in memory as much parameters given with Array( );
Array( ) - is a reserve word , provides the input to new that how much memory locations are to be reserved.
"One", "Two", "Three"," Four" - are the values to set in d named array variable as much the count of these variables is that much of locations in memory will be reserved by new (reserve word).
Method 2
var sales = new Array (12);
Understanding the declaration
var - is reserve word
sales - is the name of the array
new - is a reserve word , sets that much number of locations in memory as much parameters given with Array( ), in this case 12 locations will be occupied;
Array( ) - is a reserve word , provides the input to new that how much memory locations are to be reserved. 12 - is the count of locations to be reserved.
Assigning values to an array locations
Sales[0] = "Rubber";
Sales [1] = 12000;
Sales[2] = "Plastic";
Sales [3] = 18000;
At 0th position of sales named array the value is "Rubber " and at 1st position 12000 is stored. So we can place different data types data in the same array.
Example 1
<script type="text/JavaScript">
var d = new Array("One","Two","Three","Four");
document.write("Value at 0th position of d is "+d[0]);
document.write("<br>Value at 1st position of d is "+d[1]);
document.write("<br>Value at 2nd position of d is "+d[2]);
document.write("<br>Value at 3rd position of d is "+d[3]);
</script >
Output is
Value at 0th position of d is One
Value at 1st position of d is Two
Value at 2nd position of d is Three
Value at 3rd position of d is Four
Example 2
<script type="text/javascript">
var sales = new Array(12);
document.write("Value at 0th position of sales is "+sales[0]);
document.write("<br>Value at 1st position of sales is "+sales[1]);
</script >
Output is
Value at 0th position of sales is Rubber
Value at 1st position of sales is 12000



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